⍟ Our mission is the realization of a vision ⍟
Our mission is to make decentralized projects useful for the community and advance the idea of Blockchain / Smart Contracts. As SEO specialists, we research and invest in the most advanced crypto and blockchain technologies and aim to significantly advance the future of decentralized applications. We promise to work on a New and fairer monetary value system and invest in the idea of Blockchain technologies. All of our projects aim to advance crypto technologies to improve people's lives.
🚀 The Blockchain Revolution
⭐ The CREO $SEO Roadmap
⭐ The NFT Community!
⭐ The CREO Coin Map
⍟ The most informative crypto app on Google Play (Android / German) ⍟
As years of successful SEO / Onlinemarketing experts and first cryptoverse agency in Germany, we offer professional services for the business and medium-sized companies from the blockchain and cryptoverse. We realize revolutionary Blockchain ideas and concepts into a meaningful experience for humanity.
⭐ The Kryptoverse Agency
⭐ NFT PromotionAgency
⭐ Solidity & Smart Contracts
⭐ SEO & Online Marketing
💎 WEB 3 Agency
💎 Creo Chat Messenger
⍟ A New Era. The next blockchain R[E]VOLUTION ⍟
The immutable storage through complex computing processes and the calculation of the hash value must be significantly faster or developed with an equally secure and alternative solution. With a team of Blockchain specialists we are already working on the Blockchain vision of the future. Our goal is to make the blockchain technology faster, more environmentally friendly and the fees much cheaper.
⭐ Blockchain Roadmap
⭐ Environmentally friendly crypto mining
💎 OpenAi Chatbot Research
💎 The Genesis Block
💎 Qubits quantum computer
🚀 Blog article updates
⍟ IEO instead of ICO is the future of new cryptocurrencies ⍟
An ICO with its own token or coin has lost significant trust in recent years due to scams pump an dump and exit strategies. The future of Initional Coin Offering (ICO) is the continuous control by a provider or agency with trust and confidence. Therefore, as an experienced cryptoverse and blockchain agency, we provide the management and programming of the smart contracts and thus the rules of the digital coin. With our experience and expertise, we only accept coins and tokens and thus increase the probability of being listed in the Exchanges.
⭐ ICO enroll & verify!
⭐ Security for investors
⭐ Smart Contracts
⭐ Start your own Coin / ICO!
We have the ambition to become the first professional and competent NFT agency in Germany zhu. We realize for companies and artists from consulting / coaching to the promotion of their own NFT art to the right target group.
⍟ Success through technology lead ⍟
🚀 NTF Roadmap
⭐ What is an NFT agency
⭐ NFT Investment Strategies
⭐ NFT Marketing Agency
⭐ NFT Marketplace (beta phase)
💎 Become an NFT Specialist! TEAM (Learning Center)
💎 OPENSEA Wallet
P2P Smart Contracts
⍟ The revolution. Contracts without a lawyer/ banks/ notaries ⍟
With P2P Contract it will be possible to store Web3 based, private contracts between 2 persons and the technology of Smart Contracts (Solidity) on the Blockchain. With a simple form and a wallet login, P2P Contracts will store immutable blocks on the chain and will revolutionize, probably even replace, the universe of notarized contracts. As a crypto think tank, we use the most advanced Web3 technologies and realize unique and revolutionary future projects .
⭐ Integration into the Crypto APP
⭐ P2P Contracts (world first)
⭐ Solidity Smart Contracts Research Center
⭐ WaVe Wallet Verificator
Crypto Android APP
⍟ The most informative app for crypto enthusiasts ⍟
CREO Chat Messenger is developed specifically for the crypto community and provides the best features and info for crypto investors. CREO Messenger is constantly being developed as a smartphone app for Android users. We are a dynamic team and use the most advanced technologies to facilitate the user's virtual experience. The following features make CREO crypto messenger an alternative.
🚀 Crypto App Roadmap
⭐ All features of the Krypto APP
⭐ Crypto Search Engine (Google API)
⭐ Insider App for Crypto Enthusiasts
⍟ World first The only solution for online shopping with cryptocurrencies ⍟
WaVe uses the innovative feature of smart contracts and will make cryptocurrencies socially acceptable and usable. With WaVe we build the bridge between the wallets and the online stores to make the creditworthiness of the anonymous wallets visible for third parties. It will be possible with WaVe to buy with cryptocurrencies in any internet store. The Wallet Verificator will start a revolution for systemic payment transactions-.
🚀 WaVe Roadmap
⭐ Revolution of the P2B systems
⭐ Blockchain meets Smart Contracts
⭐ Revolutionary WEb 3 Application
Investor / Crypto Startups
⍟ We support Social Blockchain projects ⍟
We invest a part of our time and revenue back into meaningful and social crypto & blockchain projects. We have reserved a fixed number of coins for startups and innovative ideas. We want to promote the blockchain vision and the crypto space and help young innovative startups and visionaries to realize their dreams.
⭐ PUNKPANDA Chat & Earn Coins
⭐ (Blockchain) donation project
⭐ NFT & Solidity Training Center
⭐ Timeline Social Media Project
⭐ War against evil
⭐ All blockchain projects
⍟ The best from the cryptoverseum of Kryptoakademie24 ⍟
The following is a list of demo projects and scripts that we would like to realize via ICO and Tokenpresale.
🚀 The CREO Wallet
⭐ DEX Exchange Project
⭐ NFT Marketplace
⭐ ICO exchange script
⭐ Crypto Trading Portal