Donations launched with NFT's Opensea
Donate with NFts at Opensea
🎭" With the purchase and sale of the token, you leave me 10 % of the sum so that I can advance and continue my projects. 🎭 I invest a considerable amount of my time and resources in social projects and projects that aim to fight evil. Support one of the most meaningful internet projects and do your part so that good can prevail against evil.
Supported projects: 💎 HaTeCleaner 💎 Fakenews 💎 💎#Straftat 💎 Police RSS 💎 Pegida 💎 HateCleaner (hate comments, hate speech, discrimination) 💎 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 💎 Consumer tips
⭐️ Donation info: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
External reference :
Holders of the NFT token receive lifetime access to the Info Channel: 🎭 "Evil only triumphs when the good guys do nothing" Edwin Burke🎭